The miles and one use of Aleppo soap

For hygiene but also for the home, Aleppo soap has a multitude of uses and thus makes it possible to replace many expensive and rather harmful household products for the skin and the environment.

For hygiene:

- Ideal for daily cleansing: each season, we will adopt the Aleppo soap that suits us; To be always well hydrated, when it is cold, we prefer an Aleppo soap rich in bay laurel oil, when it is hot, an Aleppo soap with olive oil may be suitable.

- Ideal for all skin types: normal, dry, baby, atopic, problem... Aleppo soap, with olive oil or bay laurel oil, will satisfy all members fireplace !

- Relieves skin problems: eczema, acne, psoriasis, redness... Lather the soap in your hands, apply to the skin as a mask or in the shower, leave to act for a few minutes then rinse! After a few uses, relief will be felt and improvement will be visible.

- Replaces shaving foam: lather the soap in your hands, apply to the skin and shave! The healing power of bay laurel oil will avoid the inconvenience of small cuts, irritated skin or small pimples. And no need for aftershave!

- Remedy for scalp problems: cradle cap, dandruff... Lather the soap in your hands, apply to wet scalp, leave on for a few minutes, massage again (wet again if necessary ), then rinse. The results will be visible quickly!

- Replaces toothpaste: Yes! We rub the wet toothbrush on the soap and we wash our teeth as with an ordinary toothpaste!

For the House :

- Detaches the laundry: oil stain, makeup, perspiration, fruit... We moisten the Aleppo soap and the stain, apply the Aleppo soap on the stain, rub, and hop in the machine !

- Wash the laundry by hand: dissolve Aleppo soap in a basin of hot water, soak the laundry, knead it, then rinse it, wring it out and hang it up!

- Machine wash: grate Aleppo soap (150g) which is dissolved in hot water (1l), add baking soda and a few drops of essential oil and you're done !

- Revives the shine of sinks and tiles: rub Aleppo soap on a damp sponge to lather it, rub the surfaces, rinse with clear water or with a damp cloth, and Voila, your surfaces have regained their original shine!

- Wash the dishes: dissolve shavings of Aleppo soap in hot water, add soda crystals and a few drops of essential oil. You pour everything into a practical container and all you have to do is do the dishes!

- Wash the floors: dissolve shavings of Aleppo soap in hot water, add, or not, a little baking soda or drops of essential oil. Your floors will be respected and clean!

- Degrease: barbecue grill, worktop, splashback... Rub the Aleppo soap on a wet sponge, lather and pass, rubbing a little if necessary, on the surfaces to be cleaned. Rinse with a damp cloth then wipe dry. Flawless result!

- a natural moth repellent: place a few pieces of Aleppo soap in cupboards, cupboards, drawers... Moths will take up residence elsewhere and no more unsightly holes in clothes!

Its many virtues make Aleppo soap an essential ally, not only for "nature" enthusiasts, but also for trekkers and campers! One product for a thousand uses...